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Thursday, June 19, 2008

GRE Math Quick Review: Conversions

Rounding out the subseries on fractions, decimals, and percentages, this document covers how to convert between the three forms and offers advice on how to approach problems with such conversions. Exercises, solutions, and explanations at the end, as always. You can access the document below:

GRE Math Quick Review: Conversions

For the rest of the GRE Math Quick Review Series, access the portal page.


Anonymous said...

Either something is wrong with problem 3 or I am missing something. The solution states that Horace offers the better discount. But if Horace is selling for $880, and Gretchen is selling for $885, Gretchen has the better deal. Hence I put $0 for the amount saved by going with Horace.

Anonymous said...

Hahaha... sorry, I meant that Gretchen is selling for $875. $120 off versus $125 with Gretchen.

Unknown said...

Exercises, solutions, help me with math and explanations at the end, as always. You can access the document below: